Timeline of Specific Events, From 1999 to Present

This timeline concerns things you may find relevant to the safety of your family.

NanoparticleDetox.com is not insinuating or suggesting anything, nor making any kind of claim or statement. The information presented is intended to be viewed and considered individually. No single link or event listed is connected or related to any of the others, and no claims are being made that these events are related in any way.

Please take note of dates, including the ones that were posted/uploaded long before covid was a thing.

June 1999: Lab opens in Winnipeg to study the world’s most deadly
diseases. The only Level 4 lab in Canada, to this day.

2013: There is rumor of a “leaked” DOD dossier concerning a program
called Nano Domestic Quell. The program allegedly involves spreading
nanotech into the bodies of everyone in the United States, to act as a
“kill switch” to quell a domestic uprising in the face of economic
collapse. A dodgy PDF of the dossier begins to circulate, and Edward
Snowden publicly states the program is real. Video uploaded in 2018:

July 2014: The Pirbright Institute begins to take out patents for
lab-created coronaviruses.

The Pirbright Institute have continued to receive funding from the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to this day.

November 13, 2015: Klaus Schwab, the founder and current executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, talks openly in an interview with Charlie Rose about human genetic editing. Discussion regarding gene editing starts at the 6:00 mark.

May 2019: A security breach at the Winnipeg lab has been identified.

July 5 2019: Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, and some of her students
from China were removed from the Winnipeg lab by the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police. Apparently, for two years they had been making 2-week trips to
the “Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences”, twice per year.

July 29 2019: Spotty news source in India reports that Qiu was accused
of “stealing coronavirus”.

October 2019: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic
Forum and Johns-Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health hold a
summit called “Event 201”, where the global implications and logistic
consequences are discussed, of a coronavirus pandemic.

December 2019 – Jan 2020: Harvard University professor Dr Charles M
Lieber and student Zaosong Zheng, are arrested and charged with
illegally aiding the Chinese government. Lieber is charged with
falsifying his connections to China under oath. Zheng is charged
with “attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China”.

Dr Charles Lieber is the world’s premier authority on nanoparticle and
nanomaterial research, particularly with regards to human-machine

May 15, 2020: Klaus Schwab of the WEF has stated publicly that the covid pandemic represents a rare opportunity to “reset the world”. These sentiments are expressed and extrapolated upon on the WEF website.

October 2020: Graphene and other carbon nanoparticles are considered
as a therapeutic agent against the covid virus.

June 2020 and December 2020, respectively: Two different research groups find similarities between covid symptoms and those of toxic nanoparticle exposure. They state “Our analysis of COVID-19 suggests for the first time as far as we know that SARS-COV-2 as nanoparticles inducing agglomeration, violent inflammation, and mitochondria respiration toxicity.” (https://cienciaworld.com/Nanotoxicity-of-Corona-Nanoparticles-(SARS-COV-2)-Nanomechanisms-of-Hypoxia.pdf) and “Similarities between SARS-CoV-2 infection and nanomaterial exposure suggest long-term consequences such as pulmonary fibrosis.” (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1748013220301146)

Defamed Dr Robert Young, who did prison time based on his
alkaline-diet based health claims, did chemical and
electron-microscopic analysis on all available covid vaccines, and
found dozens of nanoparticle anomalies. He has more than 40 years
experience in radio imaging and biochemistry.

February 25, 2022: A paper is published in Current Issues In Molecular Biology, revealing findings that the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine is transferred into human DNA in under 6 hours, and presents as part of the human genome.

Below is a video compilation of Dr Yuval Noah Harari, advisor to Klaus Schwab and member of the WEF. It really says all there is to say.

spike protein detox

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