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Fight Fire With Fire! Remove Toxic Nanoparticles

Groundbreaking Survey Reveals: 57% Of Young People Taking Medication To Cope With Mental Health

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A recent survey has found that young people in Generation Z are dealing with an overwhelming amount of mental illness, with 57% of them turning to medication for survival.

On top of the alarming percentage on medication, the survey, taken from 1,000 young people aged 18-25 (by the American Psychiatric Association), also found that 66% do not feel confident about their relationships and 68% have considered suicide. It also revealed that 88% feel lonely for more than one hour each day.

This is a terrible picture of what is happening to our young people.

Can Nanoparticle Exposure Lead To Depression?

The research on this topic is still ongoing and there are many unanswered questions about the effects of nanoparticle exposure on mental health. Nanoparticles can enter the body through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. Once they are in your body, they can travel to different parts of the brain and interact with neural chemicals. This is why some scientists believe that exposure to nanoparticles may be a risk factor for depression and anxiety.

Recently, researchers found that when pregnant mice were exposed to zinc oxide nanoparticles their offspring had an increased risk for depression-like behaviors and abnormal social interactions. Granted, human beings are not mice, and we may react differently to environmental toxins, but mice are known for their resilience. Toxic nanomaterials are rife in western food, air and drinking water, and our young people are suffering. It may by time to curb nanoparticle use in products, and more closely regulate the effects on our children. 

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When Nanoparticles are Toxic: Science, Risks & Mitigation Strategies

Introduction to Nanoparticles and their Impact on Toxicity

keywords: nanoparticle toxicity, nanoparticle exposure, nanotoxicology, understanding nanoparticles

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Nanoparticles are small, engineered particles that have been shown to have unexpected and sometimes dangerous health effects. The following article will provide a brief overview of what are nanoparticles, the different types of nanoparticles, and the different ways they can affect your health.

Some Nanoparticle Types and Sources of Exposure

Nanoparticles are very small particles, less than 100 nanometers in size. They come in many forms and can be found in a variety of places, including the air and water.

Carbon black nanoparticles are a type of nanoparticle that is found on the surface of some types of soot, such as diesel smoke and coal smoke. The carbon black nanoparticles absorb light, which makes them look dark. This property makes them useful for products like cosmetics or clothes with a dark color because they help to hide any imperfections. However, this same property also means that they absorb heat from the sun and can cause harm to human skin when exposed to it for long periods of time.

Light-absorbing nanoparticles are another type of nanoparticle that is found in many different places around us everyday. These nanoparticles have properties similar to carbon black nanoparticles because they both absorb light and heat from their environment. However, these particles often have a different color than carbon black particles, typically a darker color.

Nanoclay is a newer product that contains nanoparticles in the form of clay. Nanoclay is used in products such as toothpaste to help combat bacteria, plaque, and cavities. The nanoparticles in the clay break down into smaller particles over time when used. While these small particles are not acutely toxic, they may possibly leave behind nano-residue that may collect and become toxic over time.

Similarities between Nanoparticles & Heavy Metals

Heavy metals such as copper, lead, mercury, and zinc have been found to cause health problems when they are absorbed through the skin or ingested. These metals can also be toxic to humans if they are ingested or inhaled for prolonged periods of time Heavy metals can be found in many products like jewelry, makeup, and even our food. The most common of these metals is zinc as it is found in soil and bacteria cells throughout the world.

Despite the differences in their physical and chemical properties, nanoparticle toxicity and heavy metal toxicity share a lot of similarities. Both can lead to cell death with prolonged exposure to the body. The most common treatments for both include chelation therapy and muscle strengthening exercises. Chelation is the process of binding these nanomaterials to another molecular agent, making removal from the body possible. 

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C60 carbon fullerenes can bind to other nanomaterials and expel them from the body

Recent research in nanomedicine has shown that C60 fullerenes can bind to other nanomaterials and expel them from the body. Fullerenes are molecules that are composed of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a lattice shape. The binding is accomplished through electrostatic interactions between the electrons in the fullerenes and the electron cloud around metal ions or other molecules.

A fat-soluble carrier, such as avocado oil, can help the bioavailability and efficacy of c60 fullerenes. For oral administration, C60 powder must be dissolved in a high-quality food-grade oil such as olive, linseed, avocado or coconut oil.

How to Reduce the Risks Associated with Nanoparticle Toxicity

Nanoparticles are everywhere in today’s society. They are increasingly used in different products and applications, from sunscreens to food packaging, and it’s unlikely that their use will decrease in the future. And while they are often considered safe for humans, recent studies have shown that they can be more dangerous than originally thought.

Surprisingly, nanoparticle toxicity is not a topic discussed by most healthcare agencies, nor have the effects been fully researched. It is up to us as individuals to take steps to protect our families.

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